Monday, August 12, 2013

Crazy times! but I'm back with some handy hints

Ok so I've been a bit slack with this lately but please bear with me! 
After a few turbulent weeks of changing my current medications and moving house I'm ready to start again, so lets begin! 

If your one of those girls who can't afford an amaze balls wardrobe you dream about (I currently live out of 3 tiny drawers for my in season stuff) you probably suffer from the same problem as me, things get stored, forgotten about and eventually you have no use for them. I swear every time I clean out my  wardrobe I end up throwing out something I've only worn once! (Unforgivable when you live on a tight budget like me)
Whether its from forgetting about the item, not being able to work out what it matches or simply wanting to mix up your current style this app is perfect and leaves you with no excuse to keep clothes/shoes/accessories wasting away in the dark of your room.

You are able to sort all of your wardrobe (accessories included!) into specific category's and label them for quick reference, also supported by the super handy search feature seen below.

Not only that but you are only to put together an entire outfit on the style board before going through all the effort of pulling shit out of storage and digging in the depths of your wardrobe to try it all on and end up putting it back, saving you time and frustration! 
Other handy features included being able to store outfit ideas to upcoming dates (birthdays, gigs ect) 

Getting even better is the fact that the app is free on iTunes, simply search netrobe, download and start adding your clothes, simple right? Go grab it now! 

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